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Do you need to keep all your email online but your mailbox is full?  Now we can move the contents of your main email box to a new mailbox to free space.  Then you will be able to log into the archive mailbox to see old emails.
Email Archive - $50 per box

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There are a few requirements in order to make you eligible for this enhancement

1) Email Archive moves all email in your current mailbox as it is right now to a mailbox starting with archive_, i.e.
2) Email Archive is not able to restore lost emails.
3) In order to take advantage or Email Archive you have to have an unused mailbox available on billing.  For example, if your package allows 5 mailboxes and you are already using 5 mailboxes you will have to pay for an additional mailbox at the standard rates.
4) Once the archive mailbox is created you will need to log into your Homestead account and go to the Email Manager to change the password so that you can log into the new mailbox.
5) You can't archive emails in the archive mailbox while logged into your original Hmail mailbox, however, you can forward emails to your new archive mailbox.  You have to log into the archive mailbox separately.
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